Richard M. Dillhoff

Standard form: R.M.Dillhoff

Author LSID:

Country: USA
Organization: Evolving Earth Foundation, Issaquah
Main area of interest: Cenozoic palaeobotany


New names

Fagus langevinii Manchester et R.M.Dillhoff 2004

Pentacentron Manchester, Pigg, Kvaček, DeVore et R.M.Dillhoff 2018

Pentacentron sternhartae Manchester, Pigg, Kvaček, DeVore et R.M.Dillhoff 2018

Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Manchester, S. R., Pigg, K. B., Kvaček, Z., DeVore, M. L. & Dillhoff, R. M. (2018): Newly recognized diversity in Trochodendraceae from the Eocene of western North America. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 179(on–line)(8): 663–676.

Manchester, S. R. & Dillhoff, R. M. (2004): Fagus (Fagaceae) fruits, foliage, and pollen from the Middle Eocene of Pacific Northwestern North America. – Canad. J. Bot. 82: 1509–1517.


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