Dobineaites Wilf, Cyn.C.González, Gandolfo et Zamaloa
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN003273
Authors: P. Wilf, C. C. González, M. A. Gandolfo & M. C. Zamaloa
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Wilf, P., González, C. C., Gandolfo, M. A. & Zamaloa, M. C. (2024): Putative Celtis Leaves from Eocene Patagonia are Allied with Asian Anacardiaceae. – Ameghiniana 61(2): 73–92.
Page of description: 77
Celtis ameghenoi E.W.Berry
Original diagnosis/description
Leaves opposite, simple, petiolate. Blade ovate, unlobed, usually symmetrical; primary venation pinnate, deflected. Secondary veins craspedodromous, dichotomizing laterally; secondaries increase in angle and decrease in spacing basally. Agrophic veins compound, the first set expressed only along the basal margin. Tertiary veins thick, moderately and irregularly spaced, weakly to strongly opposite percurrent, angle increasing basally. Margin serrate; teeth prominent, closely spaced, continuous nearly to the blade base. Teeth simple or compound, apex simple and apiculate, sinuses angular, principal vein medial and prominent with near-perpendicular branches to vein junctions near or at the sinuses.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood - angiosperm
Names associated with genus
Dobineaites ameghinoi (E.W.Berry) Wilf, Cyn.C.González, Gandolfo et Zamaloa 2024
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