Papers in Palaeontology

Abbreviation: Pap. Palaeontol.

Publisher: The Palaeontological Association
ISSN: 2056-2799
ISSN (online): 2056-2802


Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Kvaček, J., Barrón, E., Heřmanová, Z., Mendes, M. M., Karch, J., Žemlička, J. & Dudák, J. (2018): Araucarian conifer from late Albian amber of northern Spain. – Pap. Palaeontol. 4(4): 643–656.

Mamontov, D. A., McLean, D., Orlova, O. A. & Gavrilova, O. A. (2019): Maiaspora: a new miospore genus with enigmatic sculpture from the late Visean of European Russia. – Pap. Palaeontol. 7(online)(1): 263–306.

Martínez, L. C. A., Leppe, M., Manríquez, L. L.M., Pino, J. P., Trevisan, C., Manfroi, J. & Mansilla, H. (2023): A unique Late Cretaceous fossil wood assemblage from Chilean Patagonia provides clues to a high-latitude continental environment. – Pap. Palaeontol. 9(6): 1–45.

Mamontov, D. A., McLean, D. & Gavrilova, O. A. (2024): Maiaspora: the hallmark of gleichenioid ferns (Gleicheniales) from the early Carboniferous. – Pap. Palaeontol. 10(3): e1561 (1–42).


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