
Abbreviation: Grana

Published: from 1970 to present

Publisher: Taylor & Francis AS
ISSN: 0017-3134
ISSN (online): 1651-2049

IPNI ID: 2261-2


Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Pedersen, K. R., Crane, P. R. & Friis, E. M. (1989): Pollen organs and seeds with Eucommiidites pollen. – Grana 28: 279–294.

Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. & Pedersen, K. R. (1997): Anacostia, a new basal angiosperm from the Early Cretaceous of North America and Portugal with trichotomocolpate/monocolpate pollen. – Grana 36: 225–244.

Pedersen, K. R., von Balthazar, M., Crane, P. R. & Friis, E. M. (2007): Early Cretaceous floral structures and in situ tricolpate-striate pollen: New early eudicots from Portugal. – Grana 46(3): 176–196.

Mendes, M. M., Pais, J. & Friis, E. M. (2008): Raunsgaardispermum lusitanicum gen. et sp. nov., a new seed with in situ pollen from the Early Cretaceous (probably Berriasian) of Portugal: Further support for the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales- Gnetales link. – Grana 47(3): 211–219.

Kvaček, J. & Friis, E. M. (2010): Zlatkocarpus gen. nov., a new angiosperm reproductive structure with monocolpate-reticulate pollen from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Czech Republic. – Grana 49(2): 115–127.

Mendes, M. M., Pais, J., Pedersen, K. R. & Friis, E. M. (2010): Erdtmanitheca portucalensis, a new pollen organ from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) of Portugal with Eucommiidites-type pollen. – Grana 49(1): 26–36.

Friis, E. M. & Pedersen, K. R. (2011): Canrightia resinifera gen. et sp. nov., a new extinct angiosperm with Retimonocolpites-type pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal: missing link in the eumagnoliid tree?Grana 50: 3–29.

Friis, E. M., Pedersen, K. R. & Marone, F. (2014): Arcellites punctatus sp. nov.: a new megaspore from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal studied using high resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). – Grana 53(2): 91–102.

Friis, E. M., Pedersen, K. R. & Crane, P. R. (2014): Welwitschioid diversity in the Early Cretaceous: evidence from fossil seeds with pollen from Portugal and eastern North America. – Grana 53(online)(3): 175–196.

Mendes, M. M., Grimm, G. W., Pais, J. & Friis, E. M. (2014): Fossil Kajanthus lusitanicus gen. et sp. nov. from Portugal: floral evidence for Early Cretaceous Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales, basal eudicot). – Grana 53(4): 283–301.

Friis, E. M., Grimm, G. W., Mendes, M. M. & Pedersen, K. R. (2015): Canrightiopsis, a new Early Cretaceous fossil with Clavatipollenites-type pollen bridge the gap between extinct Canrightia and extant Chloranthaceae. – Grana 54(3): 184–212.

Mendes, M. M., Barrón, E., Batten, D. J. & Pais, J. (2017): A new species of the spore genus Costatoperforosporites from Early Cretaceous deposits in Portugal and its taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental significance. – Grana 56(6): 401–409.

Friis, E. M., Pedersen, K. R. & Crane, P. R. (2017): Kenilanthus, a new eudicot flower with tricolpate pollen from the Early Cretaceous (early-middle Albian) of eastern North America. – Grana 56(3): 161–173.

Friis, E. M., Mendes, M. M. & Pedersen, K. R. (2018): Paisia, an Early Cretaceous eudicot angiosperm flower with pantoporate pollen from Portugal. – Grana 57(1–2): 1–15.


Started by vol. 10.

Preceded by: Grana Palynologica (1954 – 1969; ISSN 0374-793X)

Grana is an international journal of palynology and aerobiology. Grana, originally published as Grana Palynologica, was founded in 1954 by Professor Gunnar Erdtman. It is published under the auspices of the Scandinavian Palynological Collegium (CPS) in affiliation with the International Association for Aerobiology (IAA).


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